Summary: William Wallace was a man who foght during years in the 13th century for the freedom of Scotland. He spent his childhood with his uncle Argyle, out of his homeland because his family died when he was young. When he returned, the king of Scotland died without an heir and the ruthless pagan Edwuard the Longshanks king of England was ocupating the throne.
Wallace become the leader of a ramshackle yet courageus army determined to vanquish the greater English forces.
1.What do you know about Scotland?
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, Scotland shares a border with England to the south, and is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean; with the North Sea to the east, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the south-west. Scotland's got about 78,386 km2 of area, and a 1,9% of water. Its population it's about 6.000 millions
Edinburgh, the country's capital and second largest city, is one of Europe's largest financial centers. But in Scotland there are 4 importan cites: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee where 1.5 of the 5 million inhabitants lives in.
As in all the United Kingdom, Scotland's main language is the English and the currency is
the pound.
Scotland's shield
Scotland's flag
The Scotts have no king because... the old king died wthout a son or a daughter,
There has been war between England and Scotland because... the King of England wants to chose the Sciottish king.
King Edward I is called "Longshanks"... because he has long legs.
2.3. Answer the questions:
a. How many sons did Malcolm Wallace have?
Malcom Wallace had two sons.
b. When did William Wallace's mother die?
She died after William was born.
c. What did William see at MacAndrews' farm building?
He saw hanged people.
d. Who borught the bodies of William's father and brother?
Hamish father brought them.
e. What did a little girl give William at the graves?
She gave a thistle to him.
f. Who looked after William after hi father and brother died?
His uncle Argyle.
2.4. Translate:
"I know you can fight, but it's our wits taht make us man"
"Se que pots lluitar, però és el nostre enginy que ens fa homes"
(pece of the PENGUIN READERS workshit)
After the battle of Stirling, William Wallace was famous all over Scotland. He rode into Edinburgh and up to the castle, his friends at his side. The people looked at him with wide eyes like children. The nobels in their fine clothes did not understand how an ordinary man could win a great battle like that, when the Bruces and Balliols could not. Robert the Bruce was now out of prison and he stood among the other nobels as William walked into the castle. He could see at once that this Wallace would never serve any other man. A man began to read: 'In the name of God, Sir William Wallace, we make you First Lord of Scotland!'
William Wallace
William is a brave man who fights for the freedom of Scotland and he's the leader of the Scottish troops.
Hamish Campbell
Haimish is William's best friend, he's also one of the leaders of the Scotish troops. He's big and very brave.
He's William's uncle, who takes care of him when his family died. Argyle took William to Rome, where he could learn latin and french.
Murron MacClannough
She's Old MacClannough's daughter and she've married William secretly.StephenStephen
He's a rebel from Ireland who fights with William at the Battle of Stirlings. He's also one of the leaders of the Scotish troops.
Old Campbell
He's Hamish's father, he's an old man but he fights with the Scotish troops.
Robert the Bruce
He's a young, handsome Scottish nobleman who wants to be the king of Scotland.
Isabella is the wife of King Edward's son, she's a beautiful French princess.
His name is King Edward I, the king of England. He's a ruthless pagan who wants to kill William.
Prince Edward
He's King Edward I's son. He supposes to be Isabella's husband, but he prefers his friend to his wife.
She's the faithful friend of Isabella, who helps takes care of her. She's also a french women.
Wits: enginy
Battle: batalla
Thistle: card (flor d'Escòcia)
Among themselves: entree ells
Graves: tomba
Wrist: canell
Truce: treva
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